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Privacy Policy

Privacy and Personal Data Management Policy

Privacy and Personal Information Management Policy of MODERN TIRE RETAIL COMPANY LIMITED
A person has the right to be protected from the illegal exploitation of personal data. about one's own As provided by law, MODERN TIRE RETAIL COMPANY LIMITED is committed to continually enhance the organization's values. operate business with Good governance in order to be trusted by customers Based on this corporate philosophy as the leading Therefore, the company Must comply with the laws, regulations and guidelines related to personal data protection. Provide appropriate methods for handling personal data and have security measures. appropriate for the protection of the personal information of the Company's customers.

“Personal Information” means information about an individual. which makes it possible to identify that person whether directly or indirectly


“User” means a person or juristic person who owns personal information. who use the company's services or who come into contact with the company's information system

“Data controller” means a person who has the authority to make decisions about the management of personal data, including collection. Use and Disclosure

“Information Information System” means a computer system. communication network Network system connected to the Internet storage system Electronic mail (E-mail) communication system for all types of information, document information, communication equipment information. computer equipment and any peripheral devices or related equipment belonging to MODERN TIRE RETAIL COMPANY LIMITED and/or MODERN TIRE RETAIL COMPANY LIMITED is permitted to use by law.


MODERN TIRE RETAIL COMPANY LIMITED has prepared this Privacy Policy for use in the management of the Company's personal information. This includes the collection, use and disclosure of personal data in accordance with applicable laws. To protect the security of personal information of All users who contact the Company's website In this regard, the Company can set guidelines for protecting personal information of users. To define the details of the Personal Data Protection Policy for the Personal Data Controller by This Privacy Policy It has been approved and pushed by high-level executives, and the said policy has been announced to employees and related third parties for their acknowledgment.

Applicability (Enforcement)
Privacy Policy To protect personal information of all users (Personal Information Identification) who contacted the Company's information system. to apply to the collection, use, disclosure, modification or take any action to the personal information of MODERN TIRE RETAIL COMPANY LIMITED, with the Legal Compliance Department as a supervisor and monitor to strictly comply with this policy.
Limited collection of personal information

The Company collects the personal information of the users in a legal and fair manner. The Company will collect as much information as is necessary for the provision of electronic transaction services. according to the Company's operational objectives and only as required by law It will ask for consent from the service user before collecting. unless required by law and or in the cases as set forth in this policy, by which the Company will keep those information confidential

Personal data collected may include (but not limited to) the following information:

Contact information such as first name, last name, identity document, gender, address, telephone number. Fax Number and Email:
Vehicle information such as body number, registration, model, color, other details of the car:
Product usage information and/or services:
Your personal interests and preferences This will help the company to choose the most suitable product for you:
Information you allow about marketing preferences or obtained through participation in surveys, contests, contests, prize draws or promotional offers and/or:
CCTV footage or recording camera that have recorded images while you come to visit, use the service in the office or branches of the company or participate in any activity of the company:
Use of cookies (Cookies) Company website Cookies linked to personal data can be used. For a more comfortable use of the website:
Log Files of the Company's website and WiFi networks that the Company provides for its users:
Quality of personal data
The Company collects personal information of users. to be used for the benefit of the Company's mission This is in accordance with the powers, duties and objectives of the Company's operations. As defined by the information that has been collected, the Company will attach importance to completeness. and keep it up-to-date and up-to-date
Identifying the purpose of collecting information

The Company collects, stores, uses or disseminates personal information of users. for the following purposes

To deliver notifications, service or product information and service marketing information or that product to you
In order for you to be a party to the necessary agreements and/or contracts related to sales and the procurement of the company's products or for the provision of goods and services
Special purpose for any service or product offered by the Company.
Marketing activities and customer research related to the service and related products Company
Record keeping for internal management
for the company Can send information by e-mail Use telecommunications (telephone or text messaging) or social networking methods in connection with the product. and services offered by affiliated companies
To continue any communication you have with the Company (such as responding to any inquiries and handling complaints and suggestions for customer service
To continue any communication you have with the Company (such as responding to any inquiries and handling complaints and suggestions for customer service
After-sales services such as after-sales services and/or customer service related matters
To deliver the product and or the services you request
To inform you of benefits and changes in product characteristics and/or our services
To comply with laws, rules, announcements or orders that are mandatory for any operation of the Company.

If after the company Change the purpose of collecting personal information, the company will announce it on the company's official website.

Restrictions on the use of personal information
The Company will not disclose, display or make it appear in any other manner inconsistent with the purpose of collecting personal information. except with the consent of the owner of the personal data or in the case where the law or court order compels the disclosure of personal information
Security of personal information
The company will take appropriate steps. To protect the personal information we hold from loss, misuse, alteration, access or disclosure, alteration or destruction. without permission or by accident
Disclosures regarding privacy and personal information management practices, policies and practices
The company will disclose the policy and guidelines for the management of privacy and personal information to the service users. And if there is any amendment, the Company will publish it via the Company's website. (https://www.thaitire.com)
Responsibility of the person who controls the data
The Company will use the user's personal information only as necessary. for the purpose of collecting personal data that are specified in the Company's privacy and personal information management policy only
The Company certifies that the personal data of the users who have been collected will not be disclosed, displayed or made to appear in any other manner that is inconsistent with the purpose of collecting personal data. Unless the consent of the data subject has been obtained by making a written consent to disclose personal data. or is a case where the law is required to do so
In the event that the Company has hired other agencies to process personal information of users such as product warranty parcel delivery statistical analysis of the business or activities of the company, etc. The company will determine the agency that has hired to do so Maintain confidentiality and security of personal information of service users. and impose a prohibition against the use of such personal data to use other than the activities or activities of the Company
Company officials concerned must comply with the policy and the Company's privacy and personal information management practices. strictly promulgated and there are penalties for violating officers or does not comply with this policy in accordance with the Company's rules and regulations
Collecting data from multiple sources
The company uses personal information obtained from users through the website. and documents To combine with personal information in the main database obtained from the service of the company, which the company requires the relevant officers to comply with the policy. and strictly announced privacy and personal information management practices.
Allowing Other Persons to Use or Disclosure Personal Information

The Company will not disclose personal information that has been collected to other persons or other unrelated entities. except with the consent of the owner of the personal data or in the case of requiring disclosure by law

Review of privacy and personal information management policies
The Company will regularly review and update the Privacy and Personal Data Management Policy to be up-to-date and to acceptable standards. Therefore, the Company recommends that users read the Privacy Policy and Personal information each time you visit or use the services from the website. (https://www.thaitire.com)
Use and Disclosure of Information about Users
The company will not use the personal information of the service users. to carry out other activities in addition to the objectives of the Company It is stated in the Privacy and Personal Data Management Policy. If it is necessary to use personal data to perform other activities other than the intended purpose, the Company will contact the owner of the personal data. to obtain consent for the use of personal data for other purposes
Storage, Access, Correction of Personal Data, Cancellation of Storage, and Withdrawal of Consent
The Company will retain the personal information of the users for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes set out in this policy. If the personal data subject wishes to access, correct personal data and/or revoke their consent to the storage of personal data Such requests can be made at the head office of B-Quik Co., Ltd. with a copy of ID card or other equivalent details as requested by the Company and as permitted by law, or express their wishes to the company via the contact phone number 0854896764. The Company will record such wishes as evidence. and consider taking appropriate action within 30 days from the date we receive the completed documents from you. There is a possibility that, in some cases, the Company may have to suspend access to your personal data, for example when it is unable to verify your identity. or where the requested information is of a commercial nature of confidentiality. or in the event of receiving a duplicate request for the same information
Contacting the Company

If you have any questions, suggestions or comments regarding our Privacy and Personal Data Management Policy, please contact us. or compliance with this privacy and personal information management policy, the company is happy to answer any questions. listen to suggestions and many comments This will be beneficial to the improvement of the Company's services further. You can contact the Company. at the address shown below.

head office
256, 2nd Floor, moo 3, Bang Khun Kong Subdistrict, Bang Kruai District, Nonthaburi Province 11130
Phone : 085-489-6764
Website: https://www.thaitire.com